

This is a video about the television show Kenny vs Spenny and the age-old question: is it real or is it fake? It is the third video in a series.

I cover my thoughts on the question, go over some common objections, deep dive into more detail than you could ever imagine, and summarize how I feel about the issue in a more subjective way.

The audio quality fluctuates throughout the video, which was a byproduct of recording over a month and the video being longer and me being inexperienced. I appreciate your patience.

This video was made possible by the following people and entities: Kenny, Spenny, and the KvS crew (obviously), "Team Jackassery" and Derek Fehr for the live show footage, the Free Music Archive and all artists credited who don't even really ask for anything in return for their work, the tools I used for this video that are free without being annoying (DaVinci Resolve, GIMP, OBS, Google Slides, Audacity), Maddie, folks from the KvS community like JackFC, Greed, jphn, and oxymoron who I spoke with about the content,, those who provided interviews (Nightrain TV, PhilipSoloTV, Oliver George), Being There, David Lynch in general but specifically the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, Richard Feynman in general but specifically in "Fun to Imagine", and, bizarrely, Nikocado Avocado.

Also in this series:
"The Show" - KvS Retrospective, Volume I
"Kenny & Spenny" - KvS Retrospective, Volume II
"Lost" - KvS Retrospective, Volume IV (coming later)

Background music:
Glow - Evan Schaeffer
Chill Breeze - Evan Schaeffer
Fog Lights - VYVCH
After Midnight - Maxim Kornyshev
Organanometron (140811 Mix) - spinningmerkaba
Colleen - Little Glass Men
Independent Film - Steve Combs
Neighbourhood - VYVCH
Sector Vector - Little Glass Men
I Dunno (Grapes of Wrath Mix) - spinningmerkaba
All Who Are Weary - Hyson
Day II - Swelling
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